Saturday, January 2, 2016

New year, New adventures

Happy New Year! Although it's common knowledge that New Year's resolutions are rarely followed, I've decide to make some anyway, with the hope that my professors' constant reminders about self-care will actually make me stick with my goals for 2016. All of mine have a self-care theme, since it is such an important part of balancing the demands of graduate school. 

1. Learn how to cook
I'll be honest, the majority of things I know how to cook involve serious carbs (i.e. pasta, rice), or are just getting old since I eat it so often (how often can you eat sautéed spinach and grilled chicken?)  So with such easy access to delicious recipes on Pinterest, I want to start teaching myself how to cook. And by that I mean I'll be burning lots of food until I finally get the hang of it. 
2. Take yoga classes
Before I started at Penn, yoga classes were part of my weekly routine and were my go-to for stress relief and "me time." But since moving to Philly, I haven't been able to find a convenient, reasonably-priced studio. I've been so busy that I have rarely had time to keep up with my yoga practice, and I didn't realize how much I missed it until I picked it back up again over this break. I think I'm going to try the classes offered at Penn Rec because they're a pretty convenient location if it's on the days I have class. 
3. Establish a regular sleep schedule
I'm a night owl, and it makes it hard to stick with a normal sleep schedule since my body naturally wants to go to sleep later and wake up later, despite early classes and commuting to practicum. I need to give myself a bedtime.
4. Explore more
There is so much more of Philly, and other cities close to me, that I want to see and explore. I want to visit Washington DC sometime soon and go to the Jersey Shore once it's summer again.
5. Meditate
My mind resists meditation, despite all of its scientifically-supported benefits. Goal is to teach myself mindfulness and set aside time for meditation (using guided tapes so my mind doesn't completely wander). 
6. Be more open to vulnerability, failure, & rejection
Being in a counseling program makes you realize a lot of things about yourself . One thing I've learned is I am more closed off than I originally thought. As scary as it is, I want to be able to face fear head-on and not shy away from it. 
7. Reconnect 
With good friends, with my values, with people that inspire me & things that motivate me. 
8. Be grateful
Positive psychology loves gratitude, with good reason. 

I could go on and on, but I'm happy with my list so far. I know that being at Penn, surrounded by my classmates and professors, will encourage me to follow my resolutions as best as I can. Here's a great 2016!

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